Spring holidays in Naz, South Tyrol

Nature is awaking

When the days are becoming longer again, when the budburst of the trees and bushes through the rays of the sun start, then the time for revitalization has come.

Hiking in a sea of blossom

Our farm is the ideal starting point for many hiking tours. Especially in spring when the apple trees and the cherry trees are in flower, then it is worth going on a trip to our high plateau. The humming bees and the juicy grass of the meadows create their own inviting atmosphere.

The Royal Festival

Every year in spring the ‘the Royal Festival’ dedicated to the apple tree blossoms takes place in our municipality Naz-Sciaves. The highlight of the festival is the blossom and traditional costume parade, where many “Queens” are presenting their products, for instance the Apple Queen apples, the Honey Queen honey, the Bacon Queen bacon etc.

Spring skiing

And while the mountaintops are still covered in snow you can already enjoy blossoms of the trees down in the valley. This is a good time to spend the one or other day in one of the nearby ski areas. Most of them are open until Easter.

Your spring holiday in Naz, South Tyrol